Street Lighting Smart Controls

Model Public Lighting Strategy 

18-11-2020 11:23

The aim of the Model Public Lighting Strategy is to be:

  • Technically robust and current;
  • Compatible with AS/NZS standards and specifications and addressing gaps where AS/NZS guidance does not exist or is not suitably current;
  • Written concisely in easy to understand language;
  • Applicable to large and small lighting portfolios in urban and rural settings;
  • Structured to include a range of selectable options to be chosen by the user to deliver a customised strategy meeting their needs;
  • A living document, subject to ongoing review as the technology and market evolves; and
  • Widely and freely available to reduce barriers to the uptake of new lighting technology and the effective management of public lighting.

Suggestions for improvements are welcomed.  Please forward suggestions to the IPWEA head office using the contact details provided at

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