SLSC Briefings


To address key topics within the street lighting industry, IPWEA's Street Lighting and Smart Control (SLSC) Program provides a range of SLSC Briefings. These plain English briefings have been prepared for council, road authority and DNSP decision makers with the input of our panel of consultants and SLSC Partners. Each 1-4 page briefing summarises the key points you need to know and provides links to further reading from trusted sources.


SLSC Briefing Topics Publish Date
1. Addressing health concerns about the blue light content in LED's 12.06.19
2. Using new energy performance metrics to effectively measure public lighting energy efficiency 10.05.19
3. Smart street lighting controls 101 29.05.19
4. Using smart street lighting as an asset management tool 24.04.19
5. Incentive schemes for public lighting upgrades 24.04.19
6. Minimising the impact of public lighting on the night sky 19.06.19
7. Lamp and luminaire recycling 24.04.19