With the support of SLSC Program Partners, IPWEA has developed this Model Public Lighting Inventory & Audit Guidelines. This foundational document, designed for ready adoption by lighting authorities, establishes basic minimum requirements for all public lighting inventories that are consistent with the needs of modern LED, smart street lighting controls and asset management systems.
The specific purpose of this model document is to help an organisation develop a robust public lighting inventory structure by detailing what information to record, in what format and how to audit this information.
The resulting inventory, once customised for the organisation, will offer guidance to internal staff, consultants, designers, contractors, suppliers, developers and other stakeholders about the organisation’s requirements in recording detailed public lighting asset information, basic maintenance cycles and asset history. The aim of this model strategy is to be:
- Technically robust and current;
- Compatible with AS/NZS standards and specifications while filing in gaps where AS/NZS guidance does not exist or is not suitably current;
- Written concisely in easy to understand language;
- Applicable to large and small projects in both urban and rural application;
- A living document, subject to ongoing review as technology and standards change over time; and
- Widely and freely available to assist in the effective management of public lighting.