Standards provide vital guidance to local governments and main road authorities about how to design and implement safe, effective, robust and reliable public lighting. With the rapid pace of technical development in lighting and smart controls, ANZ standards are currently the focus of much development work and must increasingly be considered in conjunction with key international standards and guidance documents.
An important part of the SLSC Programme is to work consultatively with Standards Australia (SA) and Standards New Zealand (SNZ) to:
- Improve the representation balance of standards committees, identify vacancies on relevant committees by local government, new-entrant suppliers and those with expertise in LEDs and smart controls and their application to adaptive lighting. To identify suitable candidates to fill vacancies, nominate candidates and provide appropriate briefing and support to nominees; and
- Ensure that standards update proposals support the timely deployment of LEDs, smart controls and smart city technology.
The following Standards and Technical Specifications comprise the fundamental guidance documents for street, road and area lighting in Australasia:
AS/NZS 1158 Series: Lighting for roads and public spaces which includes the following components: