Title: LED Street Lights Location: New Brunswick, Canada Published by: NB Power Year published: 2012 #Yearpublished2012 #International #Casestudy
Title: Seattle City Light LED Streetlight Program Case Study Location: Seattle, USA Published by: City of Seattle Year published: 2012 #Casestudy #International #Yearpublished2012
Title: Sydney's LED Lighting Revolution (GE Australia) Published by: GE Lighting Year published: 2012 #AUandNZ #Yearpublished2012 #Casestudy
Title: Tale of Four Cities Published by: Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) Year published: 2012 #Yearpublished2012 #Referencedocument #HealthandSafety #International
Tale of Four Cities - NEEA - 2012.pdf
Title: Iowa Municipalities Unite to Save Energy with LED Street Lighting Published by: U.S Department of Energy Year published: 2012 #Referencedocument #International #Yearpublished2012 #ProjectManagementandDelivery
Iowa Municipalities Unite to Save Energy with LED Street Lighting - US-DOE - 2012.pdf
Title: Guide to Specifying LED Products Published by: Lighting Industry Association UK Year published: 2012 #Referencedocument #International #ProjectManagementandDelivery #Yearpublished2012
Guide to Specifying LED Products - Lighting Industry Association UK - 2012.pdf
Title: LED Street Lighting in BC - Light Level Reduction and Efficiency Published by: Lightsavers Canada Year published: 2012 #International #EnergyandEnvironment #Yearpublished2012 #Referencedocument
LED Street Lighting in BC - Light Level Reduction and Efficiency - Lightsavers Canada - 2012 .pdf
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