Title: Intelligent Street Lights: A Foundation for Long-term Value Published by: Silver Spring Networks Date: May 2017 #Referencedocument #International #Yearpublished2017 #SmartCitiesandNetworks
Citi Horizons - Resources - Discussion Forum - News - Blog #SmartCitiesandNetworks #International
Title: Amsterdam Smart City - The future starts now #SmartCitiesandNetworks #International
Amsterdam Smart City - The future starts now (High Definition).mp4
Title: Building the Digital City: the People, the Smarts, the Buzz Published by: Brook Dixon - The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia Year published: 2015 #Yearpublished2015 #AUandNZ #SmartCitiesandNetworks #Referencedocument
Title: Smart City Embassy - Overview Dutch Smart Cities Published by: Stratumseind De-escaate | City of Eindhoven #International #SmartCitiesandNetworks
Concept Presentatie Smart City Embassy.pdf
Title: Low-Power networks hold the key to Internet-of-Things Published by: ReThink Technology Year published: 2015 #AUandNZ #Referencedocument #Yearpublished2015 #SmartCitiesandNetworks
Low-Power networks hold the key to Internet-of-Things - ReThink Technology - 2015.pdf
Title: Moving to a Smarter City - Infographic Published by; Verizon Year published: 2016 #Referencedocument #AUandNZ #SmartCitiesandNetworks #Yearpublished2016
Moving to a Smarter City-Infographic - Verizon - 2016 .pdf
Title: Smart cities Smart lighting Published by: Queensland University of Technology Year published: 2016 #SmartCitiesandNetworks #AUandNZ #Yearpublished2016 #Referencedocument
Smart cities Smart lighting - QUT - 2016.pdf
Title: Auckland Street Light Network and Retrofit Published by: Auckland Transport Year published: 2016 #SmartCitiesandNetworks #Referencedocument #Yearpublished2016 #AUandNZ
Auckland Street Light Network and Retrofit - Auckland Transport - 2016 .pptx
Title: The Internet of Things and ACMAs Area of Focus Published by: The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Year published: 2015 #Australia #Referencedocument #SmartCitiesandNetworks #Yearpublished2015
The Internet of Things and ACMAs Area of Focus - ACMA - 2015.docx
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